7 years ago

PizzaExpress UAE

Company Details

United Arab Emirates
201-1000 Employees


7 years ago

PizzaExpress UAE
Posted 7 years ago | [node:flag-interested-jobs-count] members applied
Hiring [node:field_vacancies] [node:field_job_type] [node:field_preferred_position], to work in [node:field_google_location]. The pay is $[node:field_salary] per [node:field_salary_period]. Provides [node:field_benefits].

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About Company
OUR STORY Stunning design, Unique experiences, Exceptional food. MEET PETER It all started with Peter. Gloriously unique. Proud to be different. Peter Boizot didn’t just break the mould. He knocked down entire walls. He brought great pizza to Great Britain. And a great deal more besides. So he’s not just our founder back then. He’s still our inspiration today. EXCEPTIONAL FOOD Ultimately, it’s all about the food. How could it not be? After all, Peter’s love for pizza is where it all began. It’s the same today. Pizza. It’s what we do. Really well. So in our kitchens there are no fryers, no microwaves. Just an oven. Everything on the menu must work around that. Take our fudge cake. It’s baked on site in the oven as it warms up every morning. And in front of our ovens, you’ll find our Pizzaiolos. STUNNING DESIGN We are known for the great designs of our restaurants. We believe in using the best natural materials to produce designs that are timeless and practical. The design and layout of our restaurants focuses one’s attention on the theatre that is our open kitchen. There are a few core design elements that are present in all of our restaurants but beyond these elements we encourage our designers to create a very different “look” for each restaurant. As much as possible, we even try and incorporate elements of the neighbourhood our restaurants are situated in into the overall design of that particular restaurant. Our principles and passion for great design began with Enzo Apicella. He designed the second PizzaExpress restaurant, in Coptic Street, London. He’s done a lot more since then. And each time, he pours in the same love, care and attention to detail that our Pizzaiolos devote to our food. So next time you’re in one of our restaurants enjoying our food or simply sipping on some wine, tea or coffee… look around. Inspiration is closer than you think. UNIQUE EXPERIENCES What makes an experience truly special? Is it the place? The people? Is there some secret recipe? What do you think? For us, it’s a magical combination marked ‘all of the above’. But particularly the people. And that makes us happy. Very happy, actually. Because we’ve got the best. They’re beautiful, yes. Stylish, of course. But always in their own, unique way. We want our people to shine. So although they wear our stripes with pride, uniform they are not. They do things their way. Best of all, they’re completely focused on you. Feeling complicated and want to tweak things around? Not a problem. Not quite sure what to choose? Ask away. Our people will tell you their favourites. After all, it’s the little things that make all the difference.